Cognition and Learning (B.El.Ed. 2nd Year)

  Student Contact Hours: 130

Maximum Mark: 100

  • Internal Assessment: 30
  • Annual Examination: 70

This course offers an indepth study of processes of cognition and learning and their socio-cultural contexts. The course also deals with significant features of different theoretical approaches to the study of cognition and their educational implications.


Unit I 

The mind at work cognition and approaches to cognition; individual and cultural differences 

Unit 2

 How children perceive elementary cognitive processes - sensation, perception and attention. 

Unit 3 

How children team and remember : basic processes, strategies, knowledge, 

Unit 4

 The developing mind : concepts and concept formation; developing concepts of time, space, number, relationship etc. 

Unit 5 

Child as a problem solver : reasoning and judgement, choice - Piagetian and Neo-Piagetian perspectives; nurturing creativity and developing problem solving ski.. 

Unit 6 

Alternative conceptions of teaming: Factors contributing to learning - personal and environmental. 

Unit 7 

The child's personal and social world : cognition and emotion. 

Reading material will be uploaded soon.

Stay Tuned.

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