Nature of Language (B.El.Ed. 1st Year)

 Student Contact Hours: 90

Maximum Mark: 50

  • Internal Assessment: 15
  • Annual Examination: 35

This course aims to develop a deep understanding of language as a subject and as metalanguage. The course also equips students to tap the multilingual character of the Indian classroom as a rich source for teaching language as well as for developing analytical thinking.


Unit 1 

Aspects of Linguistic Behavior: verbal and non-verbal communication; human and non-human communication; defining features of a human system of communication; language and mind; language and society, language as rule governed behavior and linguistic variability; speech and writing.

Unit 2 

Linguistic Systems: the organization of sounds; the structure of sentences; the concept of Universal Grammar; nature and structure of meaning; basic concepts in phonology, syntax and semantics (to be taught through suitable illustrations).

Unit 3

Text and Linguistic Systems : organization of text discourse structure, oral and written; nature of class room discourse. Structure of a story, poem, essay etc., points of entry into texts to teach them more effectively (to be taught through practicum).

Unit 4 

Languages of India : multilingualism; using the multilingual resource of a classroom (to be taught through practicum).

Reading material will be uploaded soon.

Stay Tuned.

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