B.El.Ed 3rd Year (Study Material)


Bachelor of Elementary Education 3rd year Readings

Here, i am sharing few readings of Bachelor of Elementary Education 3rd Year.


Basic Concepts in Education

  • Knowledge and wisdom by Bertrand Russell 

  • My Pedagogy Creed by John Dewey

  • Few readings

School Planning and Management

  • Segmentation on Indian School Education System

  • Few readings

Logico-Mathematic Education

  • AMT-01 Teaching of Primary School Mathematics 

  • LMT-01 Learning Mathematics 

  • Place Value 


  • Place Value

  • Dienes Cubes

Pedagogy of Environmental Education


  • Environment as an aspect of learning 

  • Learner centered approach: Inquiry Approach 

I will keep adding more material in the same post.

If you want to suggest any reading, please mention it in comment section.

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