Basic Concepts in Education (B.El.Ed 3rd Year)


Student Contact Hours: 130

Maximum Mark: 100

  • Internal Assessment: 30
  • Annual Examination: 70

This course attempts to introduce students to certain basic ideas in educational theory. It provides philosophical and sociological frameworks within which assumptions about human nature, knowledge and learning are examined. While exploring the societal context of education, students also learn to distinguish between formal knowledge and experiential knowledge.


Unit 1 

Philosophical and sociological perspectives: basic assumptions about human nature, knowledge and learning.

Unit 2 

Knowledge : distinction between 'body of knowledge and the child's construction of knowledge. Knowledge in the context of curriculum, syllabus and textbooks; school knowledge and children's experiential knowledge; universal and local facets of knowledge.

Unit 3

The learner: the child as learner; the individual child and the age-group; home and school; socialisation and learning; activity and experience.

Unit 4

 The teacher: teaching as a professional activity; teacher and parents; teacher and the curriculum; teacher and society.

Unit 5

General introduction to progressive thought in education : the tradition of Rousseau - Pestalozzi, Montessori, Dewey and Susan Isaacs. Progressive educational thought in the Indian context: Tagore, Gandhi, Gijubhai and Krishnamurty. Detailed study of Tagore's essay 'My School and Dewey's essay 'My Pedagogic Creed'.

Unit 6

Societal context of education : equality, authority, conflict and change.

Source: B.El.Ed handbook 

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