B.El.Ed 2nd Year (Study Material)


Bachelor of Elementary Education 2nd year Readings

Here, i am sharing few readings of Bachelor of Elementary Education 2nd year.



Cognition and Learning

  • Piagetian Versus Vygotskian Perspectives on Development and Education 

  • Learning Theories

  • Educational Psychology by Anita Woolfolk 

  • Tools of the mind: Vygotskian Approach to Early Childhood Education 

Human Relations and Communications

  • Huma Relations in Education by Eric hall and Caroll Hall

  • Teacher by Sylvia Ashton Warner 

  • Identity: Youth and Crisi (Erik H. Erikson)

  • Hidden Curriculum 

  • The Indians : Portait of a People by Sudhir Kakar ( chapter- Indian Women)

  • The Evolving Self by Robert Kegan

  •  Little Prince by Antonie de saint

  • Danger School

Language Across the Curriculum 

  • The child language and the teacher handbook by Krishna Kumar

  • A little book of language by David Crystal

  • On the Threshold of Reading-NCERT

  • Creating a print rich environment in the classroom-Early Literary Initiative

  • Emergent Literacy

  • What about reading- Judith M. Newman

  • How Languages are Learned

  • Totto Chan by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi
  • A little book of language by David Crystal

  • Language, learning and Literacy by Brian Cambourne

  • Observing the language learner

  • Ways to look at functions of children language

  • Creating a print rich environment in the classroom 

  • Discovering Language with children

Language Acquisition 

  • Child Language: Acquisition and Growth

  • The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language by David Crystal 

  • The Articulate Mammal by Jean Aitchison

  • Multilingualism as a Classroom resource

  • Syntactic Development

  • The Role of Errors in language Learning

Unit 10
Unit 11


  • A Non-Contrastive Approach to Error Analysis. by Richards, Jack C.
  • Interlanguage

Political Science

  • Political Theory: An Introduction by Andrew Heywood

I will keep adding more material in the same post.

If you want to suggest any reading, please mention it in comment section.

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