Core Social Science (B.El.Ed. 1st Year)

 Student Contact Hours: 90

Maximum Mark: 50

  • Internal Assessment: 15
  • Annual Examination: 35

The aim of this course is to make students familiar with the concept and nature of social science and to see the inter-linkages between different branches of social science. This interlinkage has to be studied both at the conceptual and theoretical level as also its practical implications. What the social scientist does, the relationships and interactions of people in groups and the importance of perspective in understanding social phenomenon are some of the issues which will be dealt with in this course.

"We evolved an understanding of how to enquire into social reality when w undertook projects on consumer products. Even though the course was too vast, we learnt to integrate different viewpoints and draw connections across disciplines.


Unit 1

 Nature of Social Science : data, method and evidence to be discussed in the context of history, geography, civics, sociology and economics. Role of social science discipline M the learner's development. Significance of perspective and context in the study of social sciences. (Exemplars: 1857, Secularism/ Communalism). 

Unit 2 

Relationship between human experience and the growth of institutions (to be studied in the context of the following concepts): monarchy, aristocracy, imperialist, fascist, nationalism, democracy and citizenship. (These concepts could be taught with examples from a content area which may be thought fit-the emphasis however, should be on the teaching of concepts). Unit 3 Relationship between human life, space and resources (to be studied in the context of the following) movement from a subsistent economy to a surplus economy; demography and the distribution of wealth in society; spatial interaction (to be taught in the Indian context). 

Unit 4 

Study of the relationships and interactions of people in groups : culture, social stratification and social change. 

Unit 5

 Project work : interconnections are to be drawn between the various disciplines that fall within social sciences through project work, e.g. 

(a) Study of a slum setting in terms of economics, subsistence, politics, historical memories. 

(b) Take two products available to you as a consumer. Try and trace the process by which it is made available to you from its raw form to a finished product. Study the various factors of geography, economics, politics, history and sociology that may have influenced it in one way or another. 

Reading material will be uploaded soon.

Stay Tuned.

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