Child Development (B.El.Ed. 1st Year)

Student Contact Hours: 130

Maximum Mark: 100

  • Internal Assessment: 30
  • Annual Examination: 70
This course offers a critical study of significant theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches to child study. It deals with constructs and issues in the development of children leading to implications for education.



Unit 1 

Concept, Issues and Theories of Human Development: what is development

and why should we study it; developmental principles; influences of heredity and

environment; methods for studying development; concepts of socialisation,

education and acculturation in the context of development; theories of Erikson,

Piaget and Kohlberg; significant developmental periods in the human life span.

Unit 2

 Birth and Infancy : importance of conception; pre-natal development and birth;

physical and mental development of infants; emotions in infancy; the infant in

the family and implications for personality development.

Unit 3 

The Pre-school Child : physical growth and motor development; intellectual

characteristics; development of personality with special reference to identification

and child-rearing techniques; gender-stereotyping; morality; play patterns of pre-

school children.

Unit 4 

The Elementary School Child: physical growth and development; the

developing mind - intelligence; language and thought; the social world of the

child, parents and children, friends, school and media, play; moral attitudes and

behavior; development of self identity, self-concept; gender roles; play, interests

and activities of the elementary school child.

Unit 5

Children with Special Needs : concept of special children - talented, creative,

gifted children; slow learners and under achievers; emotionally disturbed

children; culturally and socially disadvantaged children.

Reading material will be uploaded soon.

Stay Tuned.


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