Gender and Schooling (B.El.Ed. 4th Year)


Student Contact Hours: 90

Maximum Mark: 50

  • Internal Assessment: 15
  • Annual Examination: 35

The objective of this course is to examine critically gender inequities in society using feminist theoretical frameworks; to learn to observe and analyse manifestations of gender inquities in the process of schooling and to develop strategies for intervention.


Unit 1

Sex and Gender: psychological and sociological perspectives (Radical Feminist, Socialist - Feminist, Psychoanalytic and other Perspectives) and recent debates.

Unit 2

Social construction of Gender: socializaion, family and gender identity; the media, gender roles and stereotypes; caste, class, community and gender relations.

Unit 3

Gender inequalities in schooling: organisation of schooling; gender bias in text books, curricular choices and the hidden curriculum (teacher attitudes, classroom interaction and peer culture).

Unit 4

Gender and schooling: case studies of interventions in school education; reflections from the field and strategies for change.

Source: B.El.Ed handbook 

Reading material will be uploaded soon.

Stay Tuned !

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