Characteristics of a language
- It's is symbolic and dynamic
- Means of communication
- Medium of instruction
- Language is arbitrary
Language Acquisition Arjan अर्जन(1st language mainly)
- When language is learnt naturally and without any systematic practice, it is called acquisition.
- It refers to the process of learning a native or a second language because of the innate capacity of a human brain.
- It also means an unconscious process that occurs when language is used in real conversation.
Language learning अधिगम्
- When a language is learnt in a systematic way, it is known as learning. (Books, grammar, teaching)
- Learning a Language is an all inclusive process. (All 4 skills)
- Learning is a conscious process and it is more effective when it is done in a meaningful situation or familiar environment.
Main difference between acquisition and learning.
- Environment
Prerequisite to learn a language
- Motivation
Noam chomsky
- Language can be acquired because of innate capacity in human brain.
- Language Acquisition device
- 5 years- critical period
- Universal grammar
- Generative grammar ( rules can be generated by lad)
Sensitive/critical/fastest period- till 5 years
- In puberty it's difficult to acquire language
National Curriculum Framework 2005
- According to the observation, English is a second language.
- In a multilingual country like India, English is a global language.
As per Indian Constitution
- Associate official language A 343 (2)
- Official language-Hindi A 343(1)
- Act- Official Language Act -1963
LISTENING - semantic aspect of a language
SPEAKING - phonetic aspect of a language
READING - phonetic cum graphic aspect/ prediction and inferring/ loud pronunciation) & silent reading (speed and concentration )
WRITING - graphic aspect of language /transcribing paraphrasing/ dictation-spelling errors
- L & R - receptive / passive stills
- S n W - active/ expressive/ productive skills
- LSRW is sequential and integrated
- S - fluency
- W - accuracy (grammatical)
- L n S - primary skills
- S n W - reinforcement skills
Overgeneralization of rules- ed past form
- Specific detailed ( I) - Inside classroom- question answer of chapter
- Pleasure or fun (E)- Outside classroom ‐ Novel
- That, thought, most, our (Active vocabulary)
- Scanning
- To look at or read every part of something quickly until you find what you are looking for.
- Scanning is reading rapidly in order to find specific facts.
- Dictionary
- Skimming- Extensive reading
- It is rapidly reading in order to get a general overview of the material.
- Don't depend on voice and pronunciation.
- A pair of words that are the same, except for a contrasting letter or 1 sound.
- Used for pronunciation.
- Take vs tape
- Team vs deem
- Copy vs ample
Sounds in a English Language
Total sound- 44
- 26 letters
- 20 vowel
- 24 consonant
Diphthongs 8
- A sound formed by the combination of two vowels in a single syllable in which the sound begins as one vowel and moves towards another.
- As jn coin, loud & side
12 monophthongs
- Single vowel
- Any vocal organ that takes part in the production of a speech sound.
- Nasal cavity, palette, tongue, vocal cords etc
- Words that share the same written form as another word but have a different meaning.
- Lead- metal, lead- direction leader
Homophone- Sound
- Word that is pronounced the same as another word but that has a different spelling and meaning.
- Two and too
- Words that are spelt and pronounced like another word but that has a different meaning.
- Suit- clothes & suit- appropriate
- Single word with two or several meaning.
- Formulating someone else's ideas in your own words.
Note taking
- Is the practice of recording information from different sources and platforms.
Direct Method
- Inductive- example to rule
- Mother tongue not allowed
- The direct method of teaching, which is sometimes called the natural method, and is often used in teaching foregin languages, refrains from using the learners native language and use only the target language.
Grammar Translational methods- Traditional methods
- In grammar translation classes, students learn grammatical rules and then apply those rules by translating sentences between the target language and the native language.
- One of the oldest method
- Deductive- rule to example
Morpheme- smallest word meaning (water can't break further)
Semantics- meaning/ sense ( Madam drives a bicycle - semantic wrong)
Syntax- rule/ structure - Subject+Verb+ Object
Language across the curriculum (LAC)
alphabets -> words -> sentences
And vice versa is TOP DOWN APPROACH - Natural process
- Many languages
- Diversity
- As resource/Asset
Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS)
- Linguistic skills needed in everyday, social face to face interactions.
Cognitive (CALP)
- Higher order language learning
CLL community language learning
- Group with members
CLT- Communicative language teaching
- Using language in classroom